miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Free post

Dear all,
Since it has been 2 weeks since I last saw you, today we will have a free post.
Think from anything from concrete to abstract.
Minimum 200 words and a comment on 2 blogs where you have not commented before and one on any blog. :)

I think today I will refer to an emotion or feeling.  This is fear. I thought of this because it is a feeling that seems very present in a lot of adult people and it frustrates me a bit.
First of all, I think a good amount of fear is a good thing. It helps us avoid accidents, especially when we are kids. At that point we are fearless. The way parents can keep us safe is by  warning us of all the bad things that can happen when we act independently. This is understandable.
The issue is when you grow older and all these fears continue to be present. And I think many times these  relate to personal confidence but also to what society tells you on a regular basis. Things like "everything is dangerous", "people can be bad"," there is risk everywhere".
I am all for daring to do things and challenging those who fear, ideally with a bit of evidence on where there is a real risk. Having said this, I know there is risk in some activities or behaviour, and I have felt it.  However, one has to be cautious, not fearful. I think there is a lot more regret in not trying than in  doing stuff and perhaps failing.

What about you? How do you feel?

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I totally agree with that! In my childhood, I never really did the stuff that I liked because of fear, it can stop u from doing great things and grow up in general :-(

  3. you are right! i thing that is much better to try things and made a mistake than not try and regret later. Of course with caution.

  4. Sometimes being afraid is good and bad. It bothers me that fear sometimes gets between the things we can and those we want to achieve

  5. I always think "what could happen if ..." so I prefer to take the risk, being afraid could take away experiences and sometimes you just need to trust in your own instinct



Hello bloggers, I Hope you are very well. Today we will write about a special celebration. I remember one in particular for New Year’s ...